Soft Tissue Grafting

Soft tissue grafting, also known as gum grafting, is a dental procedure that involves taking tissue from one part of the mouth and grafting it onto another area, typically the gums. The goal of this procedure is to restore or enhance the gum tissue’s health, thickness, and aesthetics.

  • Donor Tissue Selection: There are different sources for obtaining the donor tissue. It can come from your own mouth, typically from the roof of your mouth (palate), or from a tissue bank where processed donor tissue is available.
  • The recipient site, where the gum tissue is thin or receded, will be prepared by creating a small incision. The donor tissue is then placed over the recipient site and carefully secured with sutures. The graft is positioned to cover the exposed tooth roots or increase gum thickness as desired.
  • Healing and Recovery: After the procedure, you may experience some discomfort, swelling, and minor bleeding in the treated area. Our dentists will provide instructions on how to manage post-operative symptoms, including proper oral hygiene practices, dietary restrictions, and any necessary medications.
  • Follow-up Care: It is important to attend follow-up appointments as scheduled to ensure proper healing and assess the success of the graft. Our dentist will monitor your progress, remove sutures if needed, and provide guidance on maintaining optimal oral hygiene and long-term gum health.
  • Donor Tissue Selection: There are different sources for obtaining the donor tissue. It can come from your own mouth, typically from the roof of your mouth (palate), or from a tissue bank where processed donor tissue is available.
  • The recipient site, where the gum tissue is thin or receded, will be prepared by creating a small incision. The donor tissue is then placed over the recipient site and carefully secured with sutures. The graft is positioned to cover the exposed tooth roots or increase gum thickness as desired.
  • Healing and Recovery: After the procedure, you may experience some discomfort, swelling, and minor bleeding in the treated area. Our dentists will provide instructions on how to manage post-operative symptoms, including proper oral hygiene practices, dietary restrictions, and any necessary medications.
  • Follow-up Care: It is important to attend follow-up appointments as scheduled to ensure proper healing and assess the success of the graft. Our dentist will monitor your progress, remove sutures if needed, and provide guidance on maintaining optimal oral hygiene and long-term gum health.


Soft tissue grafting can offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved Gum Health: The grafting procedure helps restore gum tissue that has receded due to gum disease, aggressive brushing, or other factors. It can reduce tooth sensitivity, protect tooth roots, and prevent further gum recession.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Soft tissue grafting can improve the appearance of your smile by restoring a natural gumline, covering exposed tooth roots, and creating a more harmonious and balanced smile.
  • Increased Gum Thickness: Thicker gum tissue can provide better support and protection for your teeth and dental restorations such as dental implants or crowns.
  • Long-Term Stability: Soft tissue grafting can contribute to the long-term stability and longevity of your teeth and implants by promoting healthier gum tissue and reducing the risk of further gum recession or tooth loss.

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